Wednesday 30 April 2014

Tuesday 29 April 2014

Tuesday 31 December 2013

Monday 30 December 2013

C# & XNA Game - Pong

Introduction & Description: Coming shortly...

Please check out the 10 video links where I go through the demo in full detail.

Wednesday 30 October 2013

Interview Series - Delegates & LINQ Extensions

Introduction & Description: Coming shorty..

Please check out the 7 video links where I go through the demo in full detail.

Monday 28 October 2013

Interview Series – 3-Sum Problem

Introduction & Description: Coming shorty..

Please check out the 10 video links where I go through the demo in full detail.

Friday 30 August 2013

Charting Randomness

Introduction & Description: Coming shorty..

For a deeper understanding on all that has been mentioned above, please check out the 5 video links where I go through the demo in full detail.

Wednesday 28 August 2013

Art of Recursion

Introduction & Description: Coming shorty..

For a deeper understanding on all that has been mentioned above, please check out the 7 video links where I go through the demo in full detail.

Sunday 30 June 2013

Interview Series – Arithmetic Expression Compiler

Number crunching software dates back to the dawn of computing. It has been fine-tuned and updated with innumerable features till date.

Here in this setup of an Interview, we’ll use Djikstra’s Two-Stack Algorithm at its core to build a simple Arithmetic Expression Compiler that can Multiply, Divide, and Add non-negative N-Digit Rational numbers together following Operator precedence of the BODMAS rule.

Sunday 23 June 2013

LINQ Deferred Execution - Lazy Evaluation

Queries are executed in many ways. The types can be broadly classified into Deferred/Lazy Execution and Immediate Execution.

In this post, we’ll see how the type of execution can boost performance in LINQ.

Friday 31 May 2013

StringBuilder vs String

In this post, we'll discuss the pros and cons of using the StringBuilder functionality over String, and vice versa.

We’ll go about what Immutability is, how run-time strings differ from compile-time ones, memory allocation for String & StringBuilder, and finally wrap up with the difference between Lists holding Immutable Reference Types & Lists holding Mutable Reference Types.

Friday 17 May 2013

Interview Series – Excel Operations

Microsoft Excel is the world’s most widely-used SpreadSheet software. Doing operations in them through C# code is central for many applications, including Data Analytics.

Here in this setup of an Interview, we’ll see how to do Bulk-Insertion of Data-Sets, Bulk-Coloring by Conditional Formatting and Charting Data-Sets.

Tuesday 30 April 2013

String Interning

The most used (and misused) data-type in most applications is the String! Their properties let us leverage on many aspects of coding.

Here, we’ll discuss about the way Strings are stored in the memory and how they can be allocated efficiently!

Thursday 18 April 2013

Interview Series - Dazzling Stars

Iterations are vital for performing umpteen numbers of functionality. To make creative designs purely by intelligent looping is challenging.

Here in this setup of an Interview, we’ll see how to loop effortlessly with seamless and “readable” logic to generate a scenic clump of stars!

Monday 1 April 2013

Reference Type and Value Type Variables

It always pays to know variable-types better. Some are mutable, and some are immutable, and what not!..

Here, we’ll perform an equality test on different types of variables using the == operator, Equals function, and the ReferenceEquals functionality.

Sunday 31 March 2013

Stringed Numbers

Doing computation over numbers stored as strings can be challenging. Finding the sum or max among all numbers stored as strings would be easy, but sorting the “string” numbers without type-casting them to integer/double is tricky.

Here, we’ll see how Anonymous methods come to the rescue for sum & max operations and Sort & OrderBy functionality for sorting “string” numbers.

Thursday 28 March 2013

Interview Series – Raining Numbers

Relevant and Efficient parsing of data from raw files is of utmost importance to generate valuable information.

Here, we’ll see how to parse numbers from a file that are strung together without any delimiters.

Tuesday 26 March 2013

Interview Series – Poly Indexing

Finding the presence of particular streams of text is vital during Search Operations. Sometimes, finding the location of repeated occurrences of search-terms is even more vital.

Here, we’ll see how to find the indices of multiple occurrences of overlapping and non-overlapping streams of text in a string-input.

Monday 25 March 2013

Effective Data Validation

Data Validation is a very important task to ensure discrepancies don’t creep-into when you make valuable information out of them.

Here, we’ll know how to ensure the correctness of data retrieved as strings that hold numbers in them.

Sunday 24 March 2013

Interview Series - Currency Display

In many Financial and Accounting Applications, it’s very important to ensure that the Currency specifications are perfect.

Here in this setup of an Interview, we’ll see how to cater to the specific needs of Currency display depending upon the location where the systems are present.

Monday 18 March 2013

Thread Safety

Multi-threaded applications give a big boost to Code’s Performance and Scalability. But often times we need to be careful while using Thread-unsafe collections in these scenarios.

Here, we’ll know how to ensure proper dynamic allocation of memory to thread-unsafe collections and to perform Thread-Safe updates in them.

Sunday 17 March 2013

Array Resizing Optimization

Optimizing your C# code is fundamental for improving your Application's Performance and Scalability.

Here, we'll know the performance optimization involved when we explicitly specify an approximate size of the C# collection during its declaration.